Unique Wedding Favors

Wedding favors are perfect for thanking guests who made the effort to come to the wedding and even bring gifts – but are you looking for something unique or fun to hand out? There are endless options when it comes to wedding favors, and most allow you to customize style or color to fit with your wedding. Cute little jars filled with candies matching the wedding party colors are a fun treat to pass out at the end of the night. Get creative when it comes to filling these jars!

via Ruffled Blog

Wedding favors should represent the bride and groom – so use items that are of interest to you, or a hobby both of you share. Love to travel? Hand out small chocolates from around the world to guests in attendance. Miniature bottles of wine are perfect for weddings held at a vineyard, or hand out inscribed golf balls if the two of you love the sport. Whimsical or elegant salt and pepper shakers are perfect from a couple who loves to cook!

via Merie Dress

Instead of spending money on something guests likely wonÂ’t use, think about favors that can leave a positive impact on the Earth, such as wildflower seeds or tree saplings! Not only do these natural favors turn into something beautiful, your guests will think of you each time they see a garden of flowers or growing tree.

via Chic Wedding Favors

Everyone often enjoys tea, honey and coffee, so they make great wedding favors.

via The Sweetest Occasion

via My Own Labels

If your wedding is in a destination spot, choose favors that represent the area – such as delicious maple syrup for weddings taking place in New England.

via Bridal Party Tees


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